Cobb County School District (Atlanta, GA): Administrative Forms
Section J: Homeless Students of Cobb County School District’s Board Policies and Administrative Rules for a variety of forms related to enrolling and educating children and youth experiencing homelessness, including:
- Information on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- Procedure for Free Lunch
- Procedure For Transportation to School of Origin
- School of Origin Request
- Student Residency Statement
- Written Notification Form
Forms are available in multiple languages, including English, Arabic, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Visit the Cobb County School District (Atlanta, GA): Administrative Forms webpage.
New York City Department of Education: McKinney-Vento Guide for Parents and Youth
Packet for Parents Facing Incarceration
This sample packet from
Adrian Public Schools in Adrian, MI, provides information to assist parents facing incarceration with making appropriate arrangements for their children. Included in the packet are a checklist of tasks for parents facing incarceration, a list of frequently asked questions, a blank power of attorney form, a sample completed power of attorney form, and a flyer about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program.
Download the
Packet for Parents Facing Incarceration.