Elementary and Secondary Education Act


On December 10, 2015, the President signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Under the previous version of the ESEA (the No Child Left Behind Act), the education of homeless children and youth was included in Title X, Part C. Under ESSA, homeless education is included in Title IX, Part A. 


Educational Stability for Children and Youth in Foster Care: Resources from the Child Welfare Information Gateway

This webpage from the federally-funded Child Welfare Information Gateway includes a variety of resources to assist states, school districts, child welfare agencies, and their partners with implementing the new ESSA Title I, Part A provisions related to educational stability for students in foster care. Resources include federal communications, topical webpages, and sample tools from states and localities across the country.
Visit the Educational Stability for Children and Youth in Foster Care webpage.

Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care under ESSA: Resources from the Legal Center on Foster Care and Education

This webpage from the Legal Center for Foster Care and Education includes a variety of resources to assist states, school districts, child welfare agencies, and their partners with implementing the new ESSA Title I, Part A provisions related to educational stability for students in foster care. Resources include an implementation checklist, archived webinars, and a comprehensive state implementation toolkit.
Visit the Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care under ESSA webpage.

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